I think the Dogs will be pleased to see what is coming down the road in the near future. The Yard is strong and will continue to be so.


Note: Please do not post comments and/or send emails asking about the present and/or future of things not mentioned in this post. Such comments will be moderated, deleted, or edited. When we have something to say about other products, it will be posted, and not a moment before then. Asking us about ETAs just ends up wasting both of our time. Apologies for taking such a harsh stance, but the only thing we would tell you is "it'll be done when it's done" and we're trying to prevent a repeat of the tens of thousands of comments/emails we've received asking for an ETA. Any kind of timeframe or ETA we could possibly give will be wrong and users get very disappointed when ETAs are missed. That's the nature of ETAs, they are always wrong. And due to the fact we won't release something before we feel it is ready, any ETA is even more likely to be missed.

Yep. I think this disclaimer posted by Ted is appropriate.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.