I was hoping to have recieved either my new knife from Stomper or my new knife from ML knives for todays hike but thanks to Canadian snail mail it wasn't to be !

Any how Maisy couldn't care less about my knives , she just wanted to get out and enjoy what's left of the snow !!!

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

There were little streams running all through the forest today....

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

Can ya remember this guy from one of my previous posts ? Well he was still hanging around, he looked a little frost-bitten though !!!

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

It was pretty cool out today so I decided to make another Fatwood torch to warm my hands by.

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

I started to make the splits in the green-ish branch !

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

Now I'd like to blame the cold for my poor motor skills but I'd be lying !!!

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

The finished torch, I packed some lamp oil soaked lint into the bottom of the split to take a spark !

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

2nd strike and we had fire !!!

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

With my hands well warmed and a belly full of tea we headed back......

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]

There were loads of Rabbit tracks and deer but it was the cougar tracks I was keeping an eye out for, luckily I didn't spot any today !!!!

[Linked Image from i129.photobucket.com]