I could be doing the SFNO LE a disfavour here...just picked it up from my cabinet and to be fair the grip is not that "bad"...I last tried it after having done a whole day using a Horton Camp Blood which fits me like a glove...and this probably coloured my view. These grips are not uncomfortable...just different a bit to what I have become used to on my FSH's and my other knives...my NMFBM I managed to sand down the peaks a bit because the grips were deep enough to let me do so...so even those hand shaped ones feel more "normal" to me...but the grips on the SFNO LE are comfortable as I hold the knife now...I really need to do a good chopping session to find out...but have been holding back as I am not sure whether to "mod" it or "move" it. The Horton Camp Blood has me pretty much covered on a "lighter than my FSH'S" knife and I like it a lot...I did a review on his Forum on BF if your interested.

JYD #75