I use Vaseline rubbed on cotton wool sometimes if there is a wind blowing as this helps the sparks to catch from a ferro rod...if it is raining badly I use rubber strips cut from old bicycle inner tubes and light them...they are better than waterproof and windproof matches...although lighting them with a cigatette lighter is best in the rain...but they easily burn and never go out. Good for a survival tin as the right size of inner tube can hold the lid in place if stretched over it.

However any oil based product will burn well...as will anything alcohol based if high enough in content...the soap gel is a good example and worth remembering that Napalm is a simple mix of pertrol and soap...

Also worth remembering that in Artic conditions most vehicles run on pure anti freeze...breakdown and get stranded...you can use this to burn the spare tire....great plooms of black smoke and works better than a flare for signalling any search party. Obviously the petrol or diesel could work just as well. The tire trick works well in the desert also...had a friend use this in Africa...the tires burn a long time and keep any preditors at bay...

Last edited by Steel Fan; 04/30/09 09:15 AM.

JYD #75