I read where someone used sawdust implace of dryer lint with the wax and it works good too. I think chopped up fatwood would work good too. I read where beeswax lipbalm is flamable too.

I've used fatwood sawdust. Used my Leatherman saw to make it. I EDC Burt's Beeswax, and it can be used as lipbalm, firestarter, and knife rust preventative.

You can make fire with:

Aluminum can
Flashlight reflector
Condom & water
Potassium Permanganate & glycerin
Battery & steel wool
Battery & razor blades
Battery & fine wire
Magnifying Glass
Camera Lens
Rx glasses (depending on the prescription)
Friction (via bow & drill, fire plow, fire piston, etc.)

JYD #4