April 22nd 2010 Patrick made his last post.
He was very happy and talked of buying a Cycle after selling a car. Who knew that would be his last post in The Yard

I believe this is the first Junk Yard Dog to have gone to the great knife store above.

His distinction is a dubious one to be sure. Patrick was JYD #70 and he was ALWAYS a great poster and Brother in The Yard.

Those who don't know of Tyger75 may want to do a User List search and pick "Show all User's post" and see what I mean.
As you glean over his posts you will find a man whose heart is Scrap Yard strong.
A Brother who loved The Yard and was loved back by The Brotherhood of The Yard.

Very sad news to be sure. But think what he now has! I wish him all the love and peace which he earned here on Earth.

Below is a link to his last post.


Great Dog,Brother and friend to The Yard.


Some people just never learn.

JYD #44