And If we start talking audiio gear I get into recording studio gear pretty heavy myself. Multitracking, studio monitors, microphones, etc... I had a few (yes a few) studio grade 5.1 setups a few years ago that never made it of the boxes. Didn't have time or the facility to actually fire things up. Now I'm down to one setup that I still have yet to actually hook up after 3-4 years. Since I really havent been doing the studio thing it is on my "one day" list...

Here is a picture I took with my SS4 i took a while back. There's two $100(e) audio cables in that picture somewhere. The other cables are about half what those cost. The other couple pieces you see are my 1-bit DSD recorders. Supposed to be about the highest quality recording you can get righ now. My type of gear!

[Linked Image from]

So I do get way deep into the gear! I used to sell and provide some tech support for a $10K keyboard called the Korg Oasys. One of my highlights is taking the keyboard to a studio in NO for Herbie Hancok to use on a performance. While there I meet Fats Domino and a handful of other Jazz legends. The performance was insane and I got to talk shop for a few minutes with Herbie Hancock!! I was so excited I completely forot to grab my box set and CD's to get his autograph. I did get it on something though.

Not so much into recording as I was years ago. I actuay stopped listening to as much music 6 or 7 years ago and I stopped keeping up with artists probably 10 years ago. Now I prefer to listen to instrumentals and random radio stations. Every now and then I hear something that interests me but I'm more likely to wait to hear it again alter than actually buy the album.

JYD #82 yup...