In California you can only carry a fixed blade on your belt. The crazy thing is that you can conceal any size folder.

You are actually luck you were not charged for concealing a dirk/dagger style knife (fixed blade with not hand guard). That is a fellony. You can consider your lost knife a knowledge tax.

If you are new to California you should give this a read:


It will save you a lot of greif.

this is true. conceal carrying any sized fixed blade is a felony in California. even if you are wearing a neck knife and it is under your shirt. you either want to be carrying it around your neck outside of your shirt or in a sheath on your belt without your shirt covering it.

the funny thing is, if you have a loaded handgun that is legally registered to you however you do not have a CCW to conceal carry, it is only a misdemeanor if you are caught carrying it concealed. but if you get caught carrying a 3" fixed blade neck knife, thats a felony no matter what.

Last edited by tonester; 03/28/12 06:59 PM.

JYD #114

"Good things come to those who wait for everything to pass." - OTR