They have to move fast before apathy sets in after the massacre.

"Never let a crisis go to waste", thats seriously how they think.

The rest of us will fail because we operate on moral principles of respect for the dead, etc.

The gun grabbers are worried about turning the streets of this country into the wild west, but its really a wild west/witch hunt mentality that dictates you drag the supposed perpetrator of what you don't like to the nearest tree and string them up before cooler heads prevail.

If the "bad guy" is an object or someone people won't get too enraged over, even better, it can be done without guilt.

When the inquisition was at its highest in Europe, animals were tried and executed for being in league with the devil. No-one cared, but every time a pig was put to death for having consorted with Satan a dangerous precedent was set that ultimately led to the death of many, many people.

"Wroof! Wroof!" - George IV misterdog-muensterdog-monsterhog