Originally Posted by Toast
I like much of what he puts out. I can only dream of having that much time, money, and health to put together, even a fraction of the outdoor, shooting and knife time he has.

On the regulator, the stated reason for not putting up the review was to make sure he put it through its paces. I do not agree with his opinions on many issues? For one I will not buy knives made in china. It is my hobby and thaat is how I choose to not spend a chunk of the limited funds. He says if iits a well made and functional blade he will buy it from wherever. His opinion on using axes is extremely sophomoric. But I do honestly want to be him a least in the ability to shoot and camp so much.

But it doesn't change the fact that he linked his eBay sales thread in his review

I am not one of his supporters or detractors, I find him irrelevant to what I do or like and very rarely do I watch his reviews

It is up to each one of us to decide if his reviews are relevant for us and if we agree with them or not

My original post was to help explain why some on here don't respect his reviews

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102