One of two small bucks I hung around with....

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I have some video of him and the other one that I have to figure out how to upload... smile

"Selfie".... wink

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So of course I managed to bang myself up just a little.... took one nice fall into rocks that left me with a lump the size of an orange on my leg and another on my forearm.... but then as I was coming down a face I realised that I needed to "urgently lower my centre of gravity" or I was going to take the express elevator down.... eek Basically I did a super quick "squat" and bottomed out.... feeling a "generally unpleasant" sensation in my right knee.... this being about the furthest point away from my bike as well....anyway.... I limped back and a few days on it is still sore but not serious....:D

On the walk back I came back down onto a track where I had parked the bike and was head down making distance along this track with some purpose.... of course I came across this little guy.....

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.... he heard/felt me approach as you can see he is already flattened out (trying to make himself look all nasty and dangerous) .... like any good Aussie I just whipped out my camera (I may have even said "just a moment while I whip this out" - yes there is another snake joke there but lets not.... wink ) and snapped off a pic or two before chasing him off the track.