Wow, he must be one desperate Dog......but I am sure even he has certain blades that he won't be seperated from. I hear he still has the FNMOASH, Satin HOGFSH, and a UCHOGFSH......but then again, it's all hearsay. He even parted with his mint SBR, but has a user in the closet, so I guess he is still ok. Also, I heard that you would have to pry his 1/4" black paper micarta SJ from his cold fingers.....also he might be saving some for a certain bowie that is due out in the yard soon....but like I said, you can't believe everything you read. Also, he went ahead and ordered that custom 12.5" Bowie from David Wesner (18 post above for the link) It is rumored that he ordered it in 5160 instead of A2, but what do I know.....I married young.