Time to bring all the good ideas to one place to be read by all the guys who want to survive, prosper And live with like minded people when SHTF. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by gun dog; 11/16/1203:00 AM.
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
I like to think of it as being proactive. I dont want to wait until the SHTF, if this can happen it will set us all up for life. We do need to think local first. Somewhere out of fallout range of any "target". Weather doesnt bother me but the wife is a no-go for desert.
The ouchitas do provide great weather. Snow is rare, maybe once a year. I am not a huge fan of AR but thats city life. The Ouchita forest is beautiful.
Thats all good here as well but would rather go more North with bigger mountains. I think its almost unavoidable to find good mountains with good fishing and no snow. I mean its 100% doable in CA but I dont think thats a feasible local. Oregon or Washington may be better.
I think if you stay out of the desirable areas you can find land for a decent price. Funding IS the big issue. I am willing to labor away sun up to sun down but have no money right now.
Mild is not how I would describe the winter days I have been in Idaho lol but it is at the top of my list for sure. Land can be had for reasonable costs.