Nice review. I'm glad you gave the Survival an evaluation. I'm not sure if it was my very high expectations or the quality of some of its competitors or that it simply didn't work for me or a combination of these factors that resulted in my negative review of it. Regardless of the reason, it was one of the biggest surprises in my eval. I would have never expected for it to have performed like it did (for me). It caused me great consternation and I dreaded posting my OPINIONS of it.

This makes your review exceptionally valuable, because it illustrates one of life's imperatives: "your mileage may vary". I'm sincerely glad she has been performing satisfactorly for you. The design and specifications are about exactly what I would have said should I had been asked "what makes a good bush crafter" before I went thru my eval process.

Regarding the ESEE-6: be prepared for a relatively thin blade blank. They're surprisingly lean, but this results in a nimble knife (for its size).

Last edited by Architect; 08/03/14 09:51 AM. Reason: Dang iPhone changing correctly spelled words to something else

JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.

I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.