Yeah it is a tough call mate, I LOVE my ASH1s, the ASH2 gives up (to my eye) the great lines/balance that is the ASH1. That said my only ASH complaint has been reach.... decisions decisions. It is CLEAR I will get "one" (it is an ASH of course) despite the fact I need another knife like I need a hole in my head.

The Battle Saw was an "ohhhhhh ahhhhhhh" buy and I may well not like it but, like me, it is unique and that can be interesting as well. I LOVE the BATAC but held off buying a couple of those in BG just because I was worried something (and ASH2) would crop up soon.... and I have three BATACs in INFI already.

I have another NMSFNO and another MMD between NY and here as I type as well....