411--ideal hunting knife

Scrapivore--fantastic small blade (OFFER WITH DETACHABLE SCALES)

SOD or Scrapper 6 (Both fantastic midsize blades with heft and pizzazz. If we can't have a differentially heat treated S6, just give us the SOD...don't desecrate the memory of the S6 with a plain blade...unless it's INFI and available at original S6 prices!)

DF or MOAD--take your pick...I picked both. Both are legendary choppers and ought to be available to Dogs of all ages. Although PLEASE do NOT call it the "1311." It is the MOAD or nothing at all...

If I had to pick a runner up, it would be the Scrap Muk or the Bulldog Regulator. As much as I love the former, I'd prefer to see the latter grin

JYD #126
Super JYD #13

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

"A free people ought to be armed."

- George Washington