Well I am partial to the Single action 45, ala "Colt" ACP. I now have two of them. A full size 5 inch Colt 1991A1 I got to have customized. I had barrel/fitting/bushing work, trigger work, ejection port work, sights, safety and slide release, beavertail grip safety and "Internal" parts along with a different mainspring housing. When I went through the Police Academy here that is the Gun I used to qualify with. In addition to that, a girl there had her 45 fail and she qualified with mine.

I ALSO have (the one I like the best), a box stock Ruger SR1911cmd (can't use Commander as Colt has that trademarked or something). It is Stainless Steel with black fixed sights 4.25 inch barrel of course and aftermarket VZ "Tan" Crusader grips. Crusader grips because the image on the grips is a Templar Knight holding his Sword point down in front of him. The first ones they had had the knight standing on a large mound of skulls. I LIKED them but didn't think them appropriate for someone carrying in Law Enforcement. But the second pair only had him as I described him. They are still on my Beloved boom stick.

My Weatherby Threat Response series of "Evil Assault Shotguns", both my 12 and 20's.

I also like my Sigs, in 9mm (Old style P225) and P239 40S&W

Beretta PX4 9mm pistol AND CX4 9mm Carbine

Oh and My Colt 6920 5.56 Carbine.
There are a couple others but they are just the run of the mill rifles, Shotguns or Pistols


S&W Model 60-10 SS 3 inch barrel 357 mag. Nothing wrong with it and it is a good gun, just don't like smiths all that much. Now Some of the older Colts, YUP made me happy, alas I got rid of them YEARS ago.

Star Firestar 40 S&W. Not all that bad, but it is small and packs a punch in the hand and weighs a ton! Ironically it is one of the guns I shoot the best.

Browning Buckmark with the 8 inch barrel. NICE gun, just meh.

French made authorized copy of the Walther PPKS. Nice little gun, but being larger than the PPK and in 32acp kinda makes you wonder Why. My Beretta Tomcat in the same caliber is smaller and does the same job.

I guess that's good enough. Gypsy Rose Lee's Momma always said to leave them wanting more.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog