What annoys me is the complete lack of communication to their customers. In a sense the Busse group lives of word of mouth in the internet (in this case it might be word of keyboard ). They take pride in being close to their fans and suddenly the Swamp goes silent.

That’s nothing new. I found Swamp Rat back when they sold the Battle Rat, Camp Tramp, and the rest. I sent multiple emails to ask a simple question. When I got no response, I refused to risk my money on knives that might or might not be delivered. If Eric—or whoever—had been on the ball, I’d have owned at least one set of the original line.

I’ve bought from Swamp Rat since. But I’m never surprised by failure to communicate on their part.

At least things are somewhat better over here coms wise..

JYD #3 Poor, but still dreaming of a sage and black SOD CG...