How you been bro!
Hows the army treating you?
I'm counting down the days untill I enlist. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Yes, it is based on the Mauser action used in almost every hunting rifle and bolt action military sniping rifle and old military rifles such as the Springfield 1903 and Kar 98.
Almost every bolt action sniping system used by the US military is built off the Remington 700, like the M40 and M24.
With alittle work you could make a store bought Remington 700 a 1/2 moa shooting scalpel, there are thousands of different modifications you can buy and hundreds of smiths that work on Rem 700's.
If the price is to much you can buy a savage 110 for quite abit less then the Rem 700.