I stand corrected, I thought the 70 was the preface to the 700. Again, this is obviously YOUR game as you seem to know what you are talking about far more than I. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I have been shooting my entire life, but then again, I am 24. I am sure you have far more years in "the game," so Im all ears. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

The 700 is claimed to be the best action and rifle ever built though. This is claimed by Remington and many shooters around the world. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Reconseed, I meant no disrespect to you, only wanted to point out that the Win Model 70 is not a variant of the Rem 700.

I believe I stated more than once that the Rem 700 was an excellent rifle. I own several of them and I have three benchrest rifle built on 700 actions. I have also used the Rem 40X as a Sniper rifle platform in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Model 70 is the most legendary rifle on the planet, partly because it has been around way longer than the Rem 700, and partly because it is an amazing rifle. It also won the "Rifle of the Century" honors. I would say that's pretty high praise.

Didn;t mean to upset you, I was only trying to help. You seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder, I apologize if I knocked it off.
Hey Tolly- I must say that my old buddy Rex Applegate would totaly agree with you if he was still with us. Just dropped in on the thread and sounds interesting for sure.