I didn't think it was possible to modify Res-C handles.

Res-C "CAN" be modified. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> It can be "cut" and "sanded" to shape.

Modifying & Reshaping Res-C

I probably wouldn't use a power sander or at least be very carefull with any power sanders as friction will heat up the Res-C quickly and easily and the heat will melt any spots on Res-C pretty quickly. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

My modified Res-C DM:

[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

Compared to YKLE:

[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]


There are LOTS of ways to modify handles.

The Res-C handles are simply a "Hidden Tang" handle. If someone wanted, they Res-C could be completely removed and pretty much any common knife handle material could/CAN be re-installed. It has been done. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

You just need to know how. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I have seen MANY other custom re-handled Busse and kin knives.

Here are a couple of previously Hidden Tang / Res-C knives custom re-handled (borrowed pics from the web a few years ago - don't remember who to give credit to):

Battle Rat:
[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

Camp Tramp:
[Linked Image from i80.photobucket.com]

I have seen others, but don't have pics readily available.

What are you thinking of doing? What knife? And what type of handle do you want?


Last edited by KnifeGuy; 03/08/09 07:15 PM.

JYD #39 I prefer "SATIN" blades!!!