I'd like to ask all members to review the rules located here:

There has been a bit of a trend lately with some behavior here and we hope we can nip it in the bud!

First up, there has been a bit of a decline in language. We work to try and keep the forum at the G-Rating level. A number of members have young children that are around while they are on the forum. Please keep this in mind when you are posting. It isn't just limited to outright profanity, but anything questionable. After a bit, you will find that it does make the Yard even better!

Second, the Yard is not an exclusive club. We want to welcome everyone we can here. We want everyone to feel welcome. To me, I find the Yard has that old clubhouse feel. We have a great bunch of folks who hang around, relaxing and discussing a common interest. New members are to be welcomed into the fold! We know that occasionally a new member will need a bit of guidance to understand the Yard and it should be given in the most friendly manner possible, after all we are unlike any other forum out there and it is bound to be a shock!

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Blade '08 - I challenge coined Dan Busse and WON!
Blade '10 - The score is now 2-0!