
I want to preserve the difference in character between the Dogs and Hogs; I've almost always found the Scrap Yard forum to be a more collegial place. That's not to paint all Hogs as bad, in part because I'm one of them too. I really think it's only a few who try to establish themselves as superior to "piglets" and all newer Hogs based on seniority, but we can be (and usually are) better than that.

I'm pretty sure that I know which thread prompted this one (although I agree that there has been a general trend, and that it was a last straw sort of event), but I see their point too. Folks took offense to how something was asked, and from their perspective, they stepped up to defend Scrap Yard knives. In general, I don't think that's wrong, but there are different ways to get the point across that range from brutally confrontational to gently nudging someone toward your position.

Try to give someone who's fairly new to the yard the benefit of the doubt, but if you think someone is entirely out-of-line, and that the only things you can think to say will probably make matters worse, then click on the red triangle at the end of the "Post Extras:" to report their comments to the Mods. Personally, I find reporting other folks comments distasteful, but it's better than escalating a situation needlessly. I think Chris and Tom have both done an outstanding job to defuse situations and helping make the Scrap Yard forum a pleasant place to hang out.

JYD #60