Ha ha JavaDog, and you got Ganzaa goods. Worst mistake you could have ever made. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/doh.gif" alt="" /> Say bye-bye to your moola and hello to chopping/cutting/slicing/dicing whatever looks at you funny!

Yeah, I think you got that right. I can see myself standing face-to-face in front of some defenseless Maple... "You talking to me?" You talking to ME???" Then blinding flashes of 77, 101, INFI coming from every opening of my M65... Leaves, twigs, limbs shooting out of a cyclone like confetti... The wife walking away just shaking her head muttering "I could have married a dentist"...

Sound familiar? Is that what my future holds???