
For some of you that were around and remember when we went through that terrible ordeal with my oldest daughter getting type 1 diabetes and alomost losing her we had some good news today.

Things for the past 11 months have steadily gotten worse and managing the sugar has been rough at best. So we went to the Michigan Childrens Hospital for an all-day set of meetings today to get her a new doctor as well as get her into a program similar to what we had in Houston. To be honest we were hoping for the best but did not really think anything could be done and we would all just have to live with it.

The most amazing and wonderful thing took place. After about four hours of working through the data they figured out why she has been having so much trouble. With some slight corrections they think she will get off this wild roller coaster ride of trying to manage her sugar. This will result in her having a much more normal and healthy life.

Patti and I are completely wiped out from all the meetings …in a good way, and we thank God for the accomplishment today.

I thought I would share this good news with you because it was your prayers, thoughts and support that helped us get through that initial and very desperate time

Long Live The Brotherhood Of The Yard
