Well, with the recent sales of Regulators on Blade Forums it is obvious the deadlines are up. It has been six months, time for a modified Regulator.

The Regulator Bowie, it is my all time favorite Scrap Yard Knife Company piece to date. If you haven't handled one you should. If you haven't used one you should. If you don't own one you should.

There is no need to go into the SR101; it is an excellent steel. I'd be willing to bet the man, Jerry Busse himself, would say it is superior to the steels he used when he started the company.

The Regulator handle is the best use of Res-C ever. You can slide your hand way to the back and get a really solid grip with extra lenth for chopping. You can slide your hand way up for more control. A finger on the other side of the guard is very comfortable. Best of all there are not any hot spots. Here is the kicker, it fits very large hands, it fits very small hands.

Many of us ask, "If you could just take one?" Well boys, this is an easy answer for me, the Regulator Bowie.

Dan, thanks for making this one happen! I will be eagerly awaiting the next.

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