Big +1 to that. The regulator is a phenomenal knife.
Several people have been going on about how it's a niche blade and a fighter and this and that - I couldn't disagree more. The regulator is one of the most capable all-around blades I own. It chops, it batons, it drills holes, it even slices surprisingly well for a third of an inch thick blade.
The regulator is one of the best camp blades I've ever used. I know people think you need a wide tip on a camp blade, but the long, narrow, but very robust tip on the regulator is awesome for doing things like digging into fatwood stumps to pry chunks away, or drilling out holes and notches for bushcraft. Just a phenomenal knife design, top to bottom.
Put some metal in that guard to make it more sturdy, and the Regulator is a dang-near perfect blade.