i dont think the yard can handle another $100+ release...i mean maybe im wrong, but im sure alot of guys could appreciate a smaller, less expensive blade. moreso with the holidays upon us.

christmas for us means a new release, which is all year long. meaning even a new blade big or small but with a small price tag, will be gobbled up by all of us just the same.

so, as cool as id love to own a regulator, idk if many of the dogs can afford it.

now... maybe a month or two after the new year...then maybe.

lets say we actually GET the next release sometime in january thatll put the first release of 2010 in that time bracket. Then Dan could make the Reg the first official yard blade of 2010.

thats just my opinion of how things might be done or should be. buttt im a nobody who just has an addiction for steel.

JYD 110