Hey all you Dog-users out there, has anyone tried some cutting that would test edge holding? Cardboard, rope, cinderblocks, anything?

Also, Dan/Patti, with the changes to S7's chemistry and heat treat that have been espoused here, what kind of edge retention can all us dogs expect, relative to A2, SR101, or INFI?

I absolutely love this company by the way, practical knives with emphasis on performance over looks are EXACTLY what I've been looking for! Kudos to you two, and please don't go upmarket or play supply games with us like Swamp Rat. I can't wait 3 months for a knife!

Great question on the steel mods -- and as far as playing supply games go, AMEN TO THAT!!! Hopefully everyone in retail takes a lesson from those guys in terms of how not to run a business. Let's see some new products, whether they are paint scrapers or bread knives, hopefully something is already on the way!

I'm working it. I had not idea that there were so many other who thought the way I do ---"Performance before beauty"

You can almost imagine the conversations that I have with the head HOG.

Keep the faith
