
I'm working it. I had not idea that there were so many other who thought the way I do ---"Performance before beauty"

You can almost imagine the conversations that I have with the head HOG.

Keep the faith

I just wanted to say how inspiring this is to hear. It seems like there is so much emphasis on "fit & finish" that performance is almost not an issue with many makers. I guess it really doesn't matter if the knives are destined to sit in a safe or behind glass -- the blades might as well be 420j2 or gold or whatever. personally i have always thought of "fit & finish" as being a distraction. I love the description of the blades being "a whole lotta ugly", but extreme performers. To hear a highly reputable knife maker say things like that is a dream come true, i'm sure for a lot of us. Grind on, brother!

We need a 5/16" (or thicker) SR-77 BOWIE!!! (Written back in early '07 -- Regulator Premonition?)