This pic shows the barrel assembly (top) and the action/stock assembly (bottom) connection points. You can see a flat portion of the connection on the barrel assembly. That has to be parallel with the flat part with two bolts and a curve on the action assembly to connect. It is about 1/4 turn or 45 degrees off of being centered to attach.

[Linked Image from]

This pic shows the angle it attaches before twisting into place. That angular (triangle almost) thing in the middle touching the action assembly is the lock. The the round button looking thing on the right is the release for the lock.

[Linked Image from]

This is the lock release.

[Linked Image from]

In this pic you can see the knurled adjustment ring. You can tighten it to compensate for wear over the years to ensure it remains locked together tightly. It has nearly a 1/4" of adjustment range. I would think it takes a long time to wear 1/4" inch of steel away for it to be ineffective.

[Linked Image from]

It is really easy to takedown and assemble. The bolt has to open to take apart. It has to be open to assemble as well, but the bolt won't close while apart, so that doesn't need to be dealt with.

Last edited by JarheadJournalist; 04/04/12 05:23 AM.