that's what i was thinking. a refund would be better but you can fall back to a credit. at the very least you should request a replacement rifle. there is no harm in asking and sometimes it takes a little bit of wrangling. i would treat it like i'm earning $800 when I talk to them. anybody saying "we can't help you" is unacceptable since you have already given them multiple opportunities to resolve the issues and they did not. you have every right to talk to them about the issue and you arrnt wasting anybodies time since they clocked in and are answering the phones. if the person you are talking to can't help you then move up the management/pay scale. if they aren't in the office and it's business hours you call right back and get somebody on the phone. don't just leave a message. if they can't help call back another day or try another department or et somebody who will help you with other options. it may seem like a lot but the hours you put in earning the money you spent were most likely much longer and harder than talking on the phone for a couple hours. you may even recover some faith in ruger as a brand.

JYD #82 yup...