I got an urgent e-mail from Santa about security for this years Deliveries. Due to the instability mainly in the Mideast and Europe, and to a lesser degree here in the U.S. I have been asked to provide Constant ON THE SCENE security To Big Red as he travels the Globe in the wee hours of Friday morning.
Just to make sure none of My Fellow WATCH dogs make an honest mistake as we whiz by, here are some Pics of me dressed up in my disguise as RAMBolph the Red Nosed Guard deer.
Big Red Coming in for the preflight check of all systems. It takes about 3 days.
![[Linked Image from farm1.staticflickr.com]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/668/23872013516_4234ca39aa_b.jpg)
![[Linked Image from farm1.staticflickr.com]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/766/23871784276_77f7553907_b.jpg)
Sorry about the lopsided nose. I got that in a stable fight with a couple camels.

![[Linked Image from farm6.staticflickr.com]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5716/23788969352_2aca67d55c_b.jpg)
And of course NO respectable Reindeer go anywhere without his trusted tali-whacker.

![[Linked Image from farm1.staticflickr.com]](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/603/23815002451_6f1c92ac25_b.jpg)
Just finished a quick trip out to the East coast and back and making sure the sights are still good to go.
![[Linked Image from farm6.staticflickr.com]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5765/23897412265_25aef1f1e3_b.jpg)
Some Dweebs from syrial or some such place said I needed a passport photo. Told them this is all they're gettin.
![[Linked Image from farm6.staticflickr.com]](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5752/23271014043_88697171bd_b.jpg)
I think I got this covered. Santa Should be safe and sound and back into Mrs. Santa's loving arms by daylight.
I'm hoping that my disguise will allow me to blend in without being detected by any bad guys until it's to late FOR THEM!