I saw some great Regulator pics on the Scrap Yard Instagram acc and started wondering. Do any of you have a cool story about a regulator that you or a friend owned, or did a regulator ever surprise you in any way.
Well The Regulator was my first Bussekin knife and I have been addicted ever since. The Regulator handle is still my favorite after trying many different blades.
I don't have any cool stories other than I pryed on a bunch of different items in an attempt to break the tip (stupid) I never did...
I used mine to pry open a storage room door. Messed up the door jam and got paint smudges on the blade. Oh and I also pried open a frozen car door or two.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105
Hands down my favorite handle. When i got my mil overrun i was hooked but needed a bit more.. in came the Alpha reg and gave me everything ive ever wanted and needed . Love at first sight, and knew it would be forever when it arrived.
This Reg got lost for months on its way to me ... usps lost it between el paso and detroit. After lost package claims and little response from them i didnt think it would ever make it up north. Then one day it popped back up on tracking and was here later that week! [img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/CFSzriGXRqLtuNvh9[/img]