Thanks for the explanation Gary. Makes sense to me. And yeah that is true about not being able or not wanting to carry a large knife. I find myself now wishing that I had gotten a 711 for a "Large medium" blade. The "5 inchers" to me is the best all around edc fixed blade size. I DO have that segment covered with the S5, 411 and Mud Mutt though. but right now I jump from my Bulldog Regulator (.331-.333) inch thick 7.5 inch blade and the Reissued Tali-Whacker to the 911 and then the BWM and 1311.

Now If I could find some one mentally challenged that would trade a .18 ASH for a Busse Wardog Hack..... Hehe, yeah I know, wish in one hand and.... wink

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 05/27/14 10:50 AM.

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