There's always that ONE (or maybe a couple) that you regret selling more than all the others. What's your sad story?

Me? Hands down it's the Comp Finish BWM I owned. It was a perfect, BEAUTIFUL, chopping machine--poetry in motion and steel. I've never had a handle-to-had fit that was so natural and amazing (well, the CG I briefly had came close). I sold my CG model to pick up the Comp Finish. That was my ONE Busse knife that I would own. THe ONE Busse that would go down to my kids. Lots of Dogs and a few Rats, but that was the shining jewel in the crown. Back in the day, you could find a used one for 300 or LESS. But IIRC, it came down to med bills, on that one and given that the BWM could command the highest price (ie I'd have to sell 2-4 other blades to make up for it) off it went. I see them occasionally on the exchange and drool longingly over them. They are now far out of my price range. As the kids age, my expectations on disposable income mature as well. I may never own such an awesome blade again in my life (or at least until after the kids are all done with school), but the memories of my brief ownership remain sweet. That's probably the only blade I've come close to shedding tears over in selling it off. Sad, little squirrel tears wink grin

Bitter, however, are my memories of the War Dog. One of my favorites--used to clean and butcher probably 30 deer. But one summer hunt, through thick brush, it slipped from its sheath never to be seen again. It's bitter because the gear was lost. Nothing to show for it but an empty sheath. I DID shoot three deer that morning, but really regretted not having the DF to butcher them out. Absolutely love the blade--if you have one, keep it and use it regularly. It was made to be abused. I have a 411 and an SS5 so feel no NEED to obtain a WD. Took two blades to replace it though--that says something about the knife wink

The Boss Jack and DSF--these has been blades I've returned to repeatedly only to fall away from. Both are great hunting companions and I've owned probably three of each. Again, lousy higher cost of INFI has necessitated their sales when something financially has had to give so that I can retain the rest of my blades.

Guess I can't say I regret selling any--all went to fund something more needed (except the WD, which I didn't sell). However, it doesn't mean you still don't miss those once bright spots in your knife collections.

So, who else has a story about the one that got away--one you wish you never had to part with but ultimately did? What made it special? Why did you part with it? Let the tears flow wink grin

Last edited by DogTired; 03/08/15 05:48 AM.

JYD #126
Super JYD #13

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

"A free people ought to be armed."

- George Washington