Rat Daddy (well, Mastiff, but pretty close) almost made my list, but couldn't get used to the subhilt grip. It IS a true classic though and was hard to part with. If you like the grip, then yeah, a definite one to regret.

I've had lots of awesome blades pass through my hands--KZII, Rat Mastiff, several M9s (I REALLY want to love that blade), Uncle Mofo, short sword from the Swamp, HRLM, Dumpster Mutt, Scrap Muk, Battle Rat (also almost makes the list--love that knife, but it's not THAT much better than my user DF) etc. But only a couple I really wish I could have held onto. Most of the blades I would truly regret selling are still at my side. The BWM is probably the only one I REALLY wish I never had to sell.

JYD #126
Super JYD #13

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

"A free people ought to be armed."

- George Washington