Originally Posted by Dogfish
This reminds me of the best trout fishing experience I had ever had.

I was about 25 years old and my Dad and I had been fishing since daybreak on a particularly cold April morning. We had each caught one shy of our limit and we're planning on having a great fish dinner that night.

We wandered into a narrow part of the stream about 8 feet wide and only 3 feet deep. Directly in front of us was a beautiful brook trout. The water was crystal clear and you could make out the fire orange of his belly and fins.

We were only 6 feet in front of him but because of our positioning, we were in his blind spot.

We threw minnow after minnow at him and he would strip the bait every single time. It was miraculous to watch that we haven't hooked him.

My Dad and I laughed and laughed after we fed him about a dozen minnows. We decided he has earned every bite and left him alone to return home.

When I think of what heaven would be like, I always remember that moment and how perfect that day was.

Wow that story is almost poetic. Thanks for sharing