For everyone who loves black on black knives, I hope you never have to defend yourself with one.

The District Attorney makes his living convicting “criminals,” whether they deserve it or not. He needs a good success rate to show he’s tough on crime and keep his job. In a case of self defense, the weapon used matters. You would actually be safer using a shotgun for home defense than using a knife against street thugs. Shotguns are still all American. Knives are oooh-oooh-scary.

Things like the name of the knife makes a difference. If you saved your life with a “Fisherman” you are far safer than if you defended your family with the “Battle Blaster.” Ask yourself which one the DA will get more traction with in front of a jury?

In the same way, the look of the knife matters. If the “Fisherman” is an innocent looking thing, with a light shiny blade and stag grips, you have lessened your chances of being judged by twelve. If the knife is all black and tactical looking, like the Devil’s Bowie, the DA will love waving it in front of the jury. He knows that many people find black knives scarier than uncoated knives. He knows that tactical looking knives are scarier than simple looking knives.

“Examine this vicious weapon! There is no possible use for this thing save killing the innocent! It’s obvious the defendant was out looking for trouble! He wanted a chance to use his big black Battle Blaster to murder some innocent mugger on the street!”

Under these circumstances, even a pink knife would be better for you.

1. I'm guessing most Scrap Yard Knives will never be used for anything more than kitchen, camp, and hunting chores.

2. Last time I checked there isn't national "knife ban" legislation brewing. Far more people would be more frightened by a gun than a knife.

3. If you do stab someone in SD all that really matters is if you were in the right. I'd like to see you support your insane claim with some case law.

4. Do it right. Carry a gun. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />