Just obey Mr Dan's Wishes and don't talk about the Regulator bowie, or take pic's that you want to show now!!! they will have to wait for X amount of time then you can post your pic's and post your review when Mr Dan say's so.

until then just keep it to yourself. if you have any review you can tell Ms Renee and Ms Patti in an email to them only, Mr Dan also, but the top 2 first from what i understand.

all the input will help Mr Dan know what he would need to do to change if any to the (RB).

you should just be happy that the yard thought enough of you and the others to be picked to test this (RB) for the yard. I am thankful that someone at the yard said let's let RT be in the test team. I will do what i agreed to and keep my trap shut for x amount of time, i know that is hard when you have the best blade known to man and you have to say nothing. we are the skunk works for the yard.

RT from area 51 out.
