I think the biggest point of weirdness is that ganzaa is set up to be highly competitive and time limited, like an auction, but the product in question goes for a fixed and reasonable price. Then everybody who gets in buys a half dozen and sells them at 100% markup. Either make enough that you can sell them at the proper price, or hold a REAL auction where they are sold at whatever price the market will bear (which would make more money for the Busses anyway).

If Jerry really wants to make things interesting he should do it dutch auction style. People would submit bids for what they were willing to pay. Then the bids are all ordered from highest to lowest and you compare that to how many knives there are. if there are 10 knives and the bids are in this order: 300,275,275,275,260,250,250,245,240,225,210,205,175,150,111,100,95,75. the top ten bids would get knives and each would pay the price of the 10th bid ie. 225. would be more suspense for the buyers, and more coin in jerry's pocket.

Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms should be a convenience store, not a Government Agency. JYD.45