I was just stroking my 6.5 on the ceramic hone and got it sharp enough to slice through some thin and not to sturdy note pad paper. As I was fondling er ah I mean honeing it on the notepad cardboard cover I ran my finger along the spine, from the handle all the way to the tip.

I noticed that there were two HUMPS there! One was just forward of the SYKCO logo mark and the other one was right at 2 inches back from the tip. If you hold the blade flat and look along the spine just right, you can see them. They are not very prominent but they are there. Kind of a two step process to get a long swedge that isn't sharpened. Pretty neat if you ask me, I really like it and think it adds something.

Also if you take a two finger grip on the butt of the handle, it feels like it should make a pretty fair chopper as well!

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 02/06/11 10:59 AM.

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