In my opinion, and it is ONLY mine, I have the following thoughts.

The 6.5 Reg is a Beast of a knife as Jeff so aptly named it. The blade thickness will be proven to be even more resistant to damage because of it's shorter than the Milreg length. It IS NOT a fighter, although it can serve that purpose. It is a COMBAT/SURVIVAL knife without equal. Most uses a military member or a person depending upon it for their survival will put a blade to is not protection/removal, but mundane ABUSIVE tasks.

Prying open crates, doors, windows, digging holes in all sorts of objects. Chopping wood of all types, building materials and trees. Preparing animals for the fire and into bite sized pieces. It needs to be light (but not to light that its integrity, it's toughness could be questioned) so that it will be carried and available when needed. If it is to large or to heavy, guess where it very well could be when it was needed to say cut a firing port into an adobe or hollow brick wall or defend against the chance meeting with an animal that has larger, stronger teeth and claws.

This knife, the SYKCO BEAST is such a knife. It's thickness will foster confidence, confidence that no matter what it is called on to do, it will accomplish the task and laugh telling you it was built for more.

The knife is a weapon, sure. But it is first and foremost a TOOL, a tool that can be used for good or evil. The weilder is the decision maker, the knife is made to only cut and pierce, and in the case of the Scrapyard SYKCO BEAST, to pry open that bank vault door to save those trapped inside by the ones who intend only harm to the masses, those gentle souls, those unable because of age or frailty to protect themselves.

I salute you Scrapyard Knives for bringing such a blade, such a tool to those of us who may one day need them for just such tasks. And also for giving those of us who DO NOT go in harms way to enjoy this most crucial tool.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog