We need a like button here, thank you DogTired <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Now go email and call your reps, there may still be a way out of this.

One side of the political spectrum is interested in enacting this type of centralized government, while the other does not.

Unfortunately the people who are in favor of this type of government is naturally better at organizing their ranks, while those who are opposed are by their very ideology more interested in sticking to themselves and avoid this kind of participation.

So unless the side who likes individual freedoms learn to work together, the battle is already lost. I hypothesize that this is what has happened in most of Europe and what is on the cusp of happening here.

One way I see out of this is one big a$$ protest march on DC. The NRA needs to move in multiple fronts and organize various events to show solidarity among target shooters, hunters and plain old gun nuts who just love the history of the gun.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is. (Thomas Jefferson)