I already contacted my elected officials and hopefully the politicians will see what a bad decision it would be. I hater to say this, but out Founding Fathers understood the meaning of standing up for one's rights--are there enough of us to do it today? I know many took an oath to protect the United States from all threats, foreign or domestic. How many will be willing to try and disarm fellow Americans, who would be willing to take a blue helmet to the ground, who would be willing to do what is necessary to continue the Constitution? Remember, if one of the first ten (Bill of Rights), especially the SECOND AMENDMENT, it won't be long before the rest start falling too. I am sickened with the state of affairs that the US is in to many good men and women have given all to guarantee the rights of the US populace.

Also, why is it hard for the politicians to deal with something important such as the debt ceiling, fiscal cliff, taxes and such but they think firearms is a easy thing to tackle? Do people not remember history, or even pay attention--we fought a revolution over less taxes and a civil war for less government intrusion in the lives of Americans. Divide and conquer, stand together and prevail.

You would need to bring in UN troops and in a heart beat I would toss them to the ground. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is. (Thomas Jefferson)