Actually, many of the very rich find many creative ways to avoid paying taxes. Yes, in aggregate, they pay more gross taxes, but percentage wise, it's a different story, depending on the person. The uber wealthy live a rarified existence and often feel above the law and see themselves as the ruling class. There's a lot of "old money" where I am and there are some interesting stories along those lines. Funny how many of these families find their way into politics...

I prefer everyone pays their fair share, but I don't think the politics of greed, envy, and entitlement should replace the politics of independence, freedom, and self reliance.

All that aside, I can't believe that Congress has enough time to debate gun control, but not enough time to pass a budget. We elected them to do the country's business, not restrict the people's rights.
I totally agree on how Congress can't do the real job they were elected and paid to do. Maybe we should hold their pay, not pay at all like it was originally set up, and quite giving bennies when we as a people loose ours due to the President/Congress/Washingtonites "ideas".

Men you can't trust, women you can't trust, beasts you can't trust, but Bussekin steel you can trust