OK dogs, on this the day that the NRA and Walmart meets with THE VP, and with the presidents threat to gut the 2nd Amendment by Executive order, I bring you the Scrapyard statistics.

The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 27,411 posts, up from yesterdays 27,399 giving us a 12 post increase.

The Knives Forum section is now at 647,578 posts, up from yesterdays 647,449 which gives us a 129 post increase.

The TOTAL Website post count is now at 679,717 posts, up from yesterdays 679,573 which gives us a 144 total post increase.

As we continue onward to the 750,000 post goal we now need an additional 70,283 more posts. We're getting there, but won't make it by Blade May30-June2 2013. But if past history continues into the future, we will exceed the goal before the end of the year.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 01/11/13 10:18 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog