Ok Dogs, since We lost our internet the other night, this update will span two days worth of posts.

First off, Our very own #1, the Leader of the Pack, Tom (Private Klink) has now attained 30,501 total posts. Way to go Tom!

OK now for other news:

The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 28,757, up from Monday mornings 28,729 giving us a 28 post increase.

The Knives Forum section is now at 695,219 posts, up from Mondays 694,265 thereby giving us a 954 post increase.

The WZDC page count is now at 2431 pages up from Mondays 2422 for a 9 page increase.

The TOTAL Forum post count is now at 778,915 posts, up from Monday mornings 777,934 giving us a 981 post increase.

OK, this means that as we march tirelessly forward to our 1,000,000 post goal we still need 221,085 more posts.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/20/13 05:07 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog