As the shutdown continues into it's second day, here at least, is some good news!

Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is at 29,816 up from Sundays 29,801 giving us a 15 post increase.

The Knives Forum section is now at 708,800 posts, up from Sundays 708,538 giving us a 262 post increase.

The Walking Zombie Death Chat is now at 2695 pages, up from 2688 posts giving us a 7 page increase.

The TOTAL Forum section is now at 793,565 posts, up from Sunday Mornings 793,287 giving us a 278 post increase.

Well as we continue on the track to One Million Posts, we now find ourselves needing 206,435 more posts to get there.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog