Thanks DT
One of the members of our group is a retired cop and former Marine
He has seen combat and has had rpg's fired at him and been shot at
However he claims that the only time in his life that he has been terrified was when something entered his camp one night and pushed on the top of his tent, and denested his cooking pots
Originally Posted by DogTired
So, three stories.

First, when I was a teenager, I went to Durand Eastman Park with my sis and some of her friends to look for a Wendigo--the evil spirit if the woods that in some accounts shares similar characteristics as Sasquatch. As we were walking along the edge if the road at midnight, I became aware that a tall creature was walking parallel to us about 50 yards or so in the woods. I was just about to point it out to the group when the creature, which was probably at least 7 ft tall, pushed over a rather large tree. Not ashamed to admit that I yelled to everybody "RUN!" and got back to the cars as fast as I could travel.

Second, about 15 years ago, my sister (who goes Sasquatch hunting on a regular basis, or at least used to), had gone with a friend to the mountains about 60 miles north of Yreka, CA, to try and find a Squatch. They had set up tents and settled down for the night when they were awoken by unearthly beast screams, followed by the sound of something very heeavy walking on two legs, shrieking around their tents and shaking them. Then it wandered off. As they sat terrified in their tent, trying to figure out if the coast was clear, the two-legged shrieking creature returned with a companion. The two creatures stomped around the camp site howling and periodically shaking their tent. After a couple of minutes they left and my sister and her friend grabbed their gear, tossed it in the pickup bed, and drove at a breakneck speed out of the mountains.

Third, about 15 years ago, I went with my parents to visit my sis in northern CA. She took us to the camp site she'd had the aforementioned incident at and I admitt, it was creepy--as if something was watching us. Didn't take long for us to decide to vacate. On the way back to my sister's house, we pulled over about 20-30 miles outside of Yreka so she could nurse her child. Two lane highway in the middle of nowhere, about 20 miles from the nearest house. Bend in the road with eough land to pull off and walk around. As my mom and I are walking, I noticed a footprint about 16-18" in length, and then another about 6 feet away and another. Looked like something had climbed the steep mtn frok the Klamuth River below, come out at our pull off, then crossed the street and continued up the mtn. Within moments, my mother found a second set of tracks, a couple inches shorter than the ones I found, and then I found a third set a couple inches shorter still, as if an entire family had been in tow. Got some bad film pics somewhere--days before digital. Footprints were all bare, all huminoid, and much more square or rectangular in shape than your average person. Given the size of the prints of the largest and the spacing between, I'd estimate a creature at least 8' in height.

Take the stories for what they are worth.

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102